About Locate Legal

Locate Legal brings a fresh, ROI-focused approach to attorney online advertising. With a team of legal marketing experts, we are ready to scale your firm to the next level.

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Meet Our Team

Ege Ayan
Founder, CEO

Ege is a legal marketing expert, former head of marketing for a large law firm, and the founder of Locate Legal.

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Eric Gruboy
Director of SEO

Eric is a proven SEO expert in the legal space securing top rankings for industry competitive keywords.

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Camille Casado
Marketing Specialist

Camille is a bilingual marketing expert specializing in CRO, PPC and content marketing.

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Michael Quiambao
UX & Graphics Designer

Michael is a skilled designer known for his quick turnaround times and quality work! Trust us when we say this, he's quick!

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Maruf Abdullah
Web Developer

Maruf is a Computer Engineer and enthusiastic Website Developer with more than 8 years of experience. He does what he loves to do and enjoys doing it.

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We are hiring!

We are hiring! Join our team of legal digital marketing experts.

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We have spent nearly $2M on Google Ads
for Law Firms

We take pride in our experience managing legal PPC campaigns.

Our clients average stronger SEO growth

While your competitors follow basic, cookie-cutter SEO strategies,
we help your firm outrank them through advanced techniques that
go beyond the basics.

Comprehensive on-page SEO done for you
Healthy backlinks that help secure top rankings
Content that keeps potential clients coming back

We are a Google Partner agency

Locate Legal is a certified partner of Google Ads. When you work with us, you partner with a proven team of experts who work closely with Google.

Locate Legal started out with a simple question

Legal marketing is saturated with agencies that apply cookie-cutter strategies and underdeliver when it matters the most.

We were asking ourselves – how can we make more advanced, personalized marketing available to lawyers nationwide?

Legal marketing today is behind the curve, trailing most industries. By combining our legal marketing expertise with our founders’ experience working with leading brands such as Amazon, we found the best ways to execute legal marketing at a much, much higher level.

How do we know it works? Our clients outperform the best clients of massive legal marketing agencies in every aspect.

Locate Legal’s marketing skills and strategy in attracting new business in a competitive business environment, i.e.
Workers Compensation and PI is far superior when compared to other businesses providing similar services.
Specifically, my WC and PI weekly potentials have doubled since working with them.

Tim Bartzos, Esq.
Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Our Services

Google Ads / PPC

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Website Design

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Bilingual Marketing

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Contact the last legal marketing agency you’ll ever have to hire.

Let’s start with a zero obligation strategy call, so we can show you how we can take your legal practice to the next level.
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  • No obligation initial consultation
  • Google Partner agency
  • Trusted by leading law firms